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Updated on 10th April 2024

Aitihya - The Heritage

A Multi-lingual Research Journal on Indology in English, Bengali, and Assamese, pertaining to the discipline of humanities is published by Aitihya Samstha Foundation, of Guwahati, Assam, India.

It is a bi-annual (half-yearly) publication that is published during the month of March-April and September-October every year. It is a peer reviewed (refereed) research journal which is referred to by different Universities in West-Bengal, Assam, Tripura, Meghalaya, New-Delhi etc. The Journal encourages high quality research papers in any one of the above mentioned three languages, on any topic within the discipline of Humanities, particularly related to India, after being thoroughly scrutinized by the Editorial Board and by the recommendation of the respective experts in the corresponding fields. Throughout the years, right from the time of its first publication in the year 2010 till the present day having published its issue no. 28 ( Vol.XV, Issue-1, 2024) the journal has received a very high applause from the researcher community including scholars and academicians from different parts of India and abroad.

Of recent, more than 400 Colleges and Universities in Assam, West-Bengal, Tripura, Meghalaya, Jharkhand, Orissa, and New-Delhi have their subscription to this journal on a regular basis.

Mission & vision

The existence of every living and non-living entity in the universe is directed by a ‘mission’, a ‘vision’ which in other words can be termed as a ‘purpose’. As such the subsistence of a journal cannot be debarred from such a purpose. From the earliest times a journal in different nations and countries has been the prime reflector or mode of expressing the sentiments, need, feelings and emotions, urgent issues to do with human civilization. It carries in its shoulders a responsibility towards the society, towards the nation, towards the universe at large. Aithiya-The Heritage is conceptualized with such a purpose to come to terms with certain issues of the present times—the most important being realizing and retaining one’s identity which is in culmination with one’s heritage. Under the face of growing changes that are taking place every now and then it is important and necessary to accept the changes with an eye on retaining one’s originality, one’s tradition.

History has shown how the rich heritage of our country has attracted outsiders from far of land who tried to invade it, western scholars who have researched on the resources of our country realizing its rich heritage. It is hoped that the journal will help in realizing the rich Indian heritage thus adding to classical scholarship and research that would enhance further the development of our country in scholarly terms.